Version 1.0 - Released 2003
- All data in Version 1.0 were audited prior to publication.
Version 2.0 - Released 2004
- An error in the units for riboflavin and folic acid for some of the datasets was corrected and electronic software for screening future datasets was developed to eliminate a similar reoccurrence.
Version 3.0 - Released 2006
- Additional conventional corn, cotton and soybean composition data were added.
Version 4.0 - Released 2010
- The database was restructured for increased functionality, speed and efficiency; and was migrated to a new platform which required that all raw data files be reexamined for compliance with the AFSI data acceptance criteria and reentered into the database. Only raw data files meeting all acceptance criteria were included in v4.0. Performance, security, availability and scalability were improved. Amino acid and fatty acid data became available in multiple units of measure, including % FW, % DW, % Total, and mg/g. To aid in the interpretation of data output, data summaries were enhanced to include the number of values for analytes below the LOQ and report output as Excel and PDF files became available. No new data were incorporated into the database in this release.
Version 4.1 - Released December 2010
- Additional secondary Units of Measure were added for some of the vitamins.
- Unit of measure conversion errors (mg/g FW to mg/g DW and mg/g FW to % DW) were corrected.
- A unit of measure conversion error for inositol (ug/g to ppm) was corrected.
- The functionality of the data preview tool was corrected to eliminate inadvertent doubling of all sample numbers (i.e., N).
Version 4.2 - Released June 2011
- Eight data points incorrectly entered as asparagine in cotton acid-delinted seed were corrected to aspartic acid. This did not alter the minimum aspartic acid value in cotton acid-delinted seed, but the maximum value was increased from 26.1 to 27.3 mg/g FW. The mean was also increased from 21.96 to 22.15 mg/g FW and the total number of samples was updated to 143.
- A Captcha was added to the registration page.
Version 5.0 - Released October 2014
- Version 5.0 has seven times more data points than the previous version. New data includes nutritional data from new crops canola, corn sweet and rice and additional data on existing crops (corn field, soybean and cotton). New crops required the addition of new analytes that are specific to the crops.
- In previous versions of the database (Version 3.0 and before) data was uploaded manually by a Data Curator, who inspected the data files received from the data providers and ensured data integrity and consistency before depositing it in the database. Version 5.0 features improvements to the database software including implementation of a Data Provider tool for automated upload and validation of data and a Data Curator tool that allows the Data Curator to manage the database. These tools automate the process of data upload and validation to increase the efficiency of data upload and reduce the potential for errors.
- Version 5.0 implements an important feature for standardization and consolidation of existing analytical methods along with an optimized process for the addition of methodology associated with new data. In the past, as new or updated methods were employed for nutritional analysis, the method references were assigned codes for internal use within the database. The assignment of the method codes was sequential and sometimes resulted in multiple codes for methods that were essentially identical. For example, some method codes for Association of Analytical Communities (AOAC) or American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) methods differed only by the year of publication although the analytical methodology was unchanged. To achieve greater clarity in the relationship between existing data and the associated method references, a standardized format for scientific literature references was adopted. Defining standardized formats facilitates faster data upload, data retrieval and ensures data integrity. The references for all existing data were converted to this format, and then all data of identical crop, tissue, analyte, and analytical methodology were combined. This eliminated duplication of method references, thus, providing a more realistic view of the number of data points associated with any particular method. For simplification and as an aid to prevent duplication in future data submissions, a new numbering system was created. Within this system, the new method code is comprised of six alpha-numeric placeholders with the first two characters being letters that represent the analyte category (e.g. AA for amino acids, BA for bioactives, VT for vitamins, etc.) and the remaining four characters representing a sequentially assigned number within each category. After consolidation based on literature references, all existing methods were assigned codes based on this system, as were new methods required for submission of data to be published in Version 5.0. New method codes for data submissions are requested of, and generated by, the database curator, and are assigned in consultation with an analytical expert.
Version 5.1 - Released October 2015
- The primary units of measure displayed in the Summary of Search Results table have been changed from Fresh Weight (FW) to Dry Weight (DW). Fresh Weight units of measure may be selected in the Create Report from Search Results table, if so desired.
Version 6 - Released October 2016
- The Version 6.0 update included nutritional data from two new crops, potato (Solanum tuberosum) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and additional data on the following existing crops: canola, cotton, field corn, and soybean. Additionally, two units of measure conversion errors for alpha tocopherol were corrected.
Version 6.1 - Released December 2018
- Some canola data sets were temporarily removed from Version 6.0 for correction of method codes. These data sets were unavailable from November 3, 2018 through November 29, 2018.
- The Version 6.1 update includes all canola data sets with changes made to correct the method codes for some analytes in the category Bio Actives and Glucosinolates. These changes had no effect on data values, ranges or reported units of measurement.
- For all canola sinapine data with method code BA0015, the method code was changed to BA0018.
- For all canola total tannins data with method code BA0015, the method code was changed to BA0019.
- For all canola total glucosinolates, total alkyl glucosinolates and total indolyl glucosinolates data with method code BA0015, the method code was changed to BA0017.
Version 7.0 - Released January 2019
- The Version 7.0 update includes compositional data from a new crop, apple (Malus domestica), with data for three apple varieties (Golden Delicious, Granny Smith and Fuji), which are categorized as tissue types in the database.
- The size of the data sets for the existing crops canola, cotton, field corn, potato, rice and soybean were increased.
- Rice compositional data was added for the tissue type bran.
- It was determined that the inositol data should be classified as free inositol or total inositol based on the analytical method. In version 7.0 all the 4714 inositol data points from version 6.1 were recoded. 1612 data points associated with method code ME0006 were recoded from inositol to free inositol, and 3102 data points associated with method code ME0001 were recoded from inositol to total inositol.
Version 8.0 - Released October 2020
- A new version of the Crop Composition Database (CCDB), version 8.0 was released on October 14, 2020. The CCDB remains an open access resource of crop compositional data, however, users will now have to create an account and log in to access the data.
- Platform
- The CCDB has been moved to a new platform utilizing ASP.NET as the application server and Microsoft SQL server as the database.
- Several features have been added to improve the functionality of the database as well as to make it more intuitive and user friendly.
- Upon selecting a crop type and tissue type, display menu for other fields such as crop year, country, and region pertaining to the chosen crop-tissue combination will be driven by the availability of the data for those fields.
- Users will have the option to toggle the search results view between a tabular and a graphical format. Users may choose to include graphs for selected analytes with minimum, maximum, and mean values for overall data across the database or summarized by year, country, and region in the summary report output.
- Users will be able to save search parameters. This will enable the system to prefill all parameters upon running a saved search. The output for running saved search parameters will change as the compositional data in the CCDB is updated.
- A new page providing a list of CCDB data providers has been added to the CCDB site content under the “About the CCDB” menu.
- Data import and retrieval for data providers
- An improved data import process has been implemented that will enable data providers to correct any errors in their data upload within the user interface.
- Data providers can retrieve detailed and summary data from the CCDB programmatically via an Application Programming Interface (API) that has been integrated with the platform. This will be done using an API key that will be provided to each data provider, by the CCDB admin.
- Compositional data for a new crop, sugar beet, was added to the new iteration, making it the 10th crop to be added to the database. The sugar beet data set contains 5525 data points across 25 analytes.
- Changes to data from existing crops
- A data point for 18:2 linoleic acid in soybean seed, previously reported to be < LOQ, was corrected to its value of 10% DW.
- The method code for 157 Field corn, grain, beta-carotene data points previously coded to VT0027 was changed to VT0008.
- The method code for 428 Field corn, grain, beta-carotene data points previously coded to VT0027 was changed to VT0024.
- The analyte name for 2258 Field corn, grain, beta-carotene data points that are coded to VT0008 was changed from ‘beta-carotene’ to ‘total carotenoids’.
- A new FAQ for carbohydrate categories describing inclusion of ‘Carbohydrate by Calculation’ under Analyte Type ‘Proximates’ and of sugars such as fructose, sucrose and starch under Analyte Type ‘Carbohydrate’ was added to the list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Version 9.0 - Released January 2022
- A new data output feature was added to enable users to generate sample-specific reports in both a tabular and detailed format. This feature allows a view of all recorded component levels for a given sample. A sample-specific report can be generated by selecting ‘Sample ID’ under Groupings on the ‘Define Report Output’ page.
- Compositional data for three new crops (mustard, strawberry, and sugarcane) were added to the new iteration, making data available for a total of 13 crops in the database. A new tissue type for brown rice was added.
- Compositional data for Brown and Oriental mustard seed were published. The Brown mustard dataset contains 1,068 data points across 89 analytes, and the Oriental mustard dataset contains 2,136 data points across the same 89 analytes. A single report for the complete mustard dataset including both Brown and Oriental types can be generated by selecting ‘Mustard - Brown+Oriental - Brassica juncea’ as the crop type.
- Compositional data for strawberry contains 192 data points across 16 analytes from the tissue type ‘Berry’.
- Compositional data for sugarcane contains 4,004 data points from the tissue types ‘Whole Cane’ and ‘Cane Stalks’ combined across 11 analytes.
- Compositional data for a new rice tissue type, ‘Brown rice (grain+bran)’ was added to the new version. The brown rice data set contains 24,439 data points across 50 analytes expressed on a dry weight basis.
- Additional conventional canola (10,727 data points), corn (58,113 data points), cotton (4,680 data points) and soybean (42,820 data points) composition data were added.
Version 9.1 - Released February 2023
- Compositional data for three new crops (canola – Brassica juncea, cassava, and red pepper) were added to the new iteration, making data available for a total of 16 crops in the database.
- Compositional data for canola – Brassica juncea contains 8,188 data points across 89 analytes. A single report for the complete canola dataset including both Brassica juncea and Brassica napus types can be generated by selecting ‘Canola – Brassica napus + Canola - Brassica juncea’ as the crop type.
- Compositional data for cassava contains 1226 data points from the tissue types ‘Leaves’ and ‘Storage Roots’ combined across 56 analytes.
- Compositional data for red pepper contains 12,117 data points from the tissue type ‘Fruit’ across 59 analytes.
- Additional compositional data has been added for sugar beet to the new version taking the total number of data points to 11,285 across 30 analytes for this crop.
- Compositional data for all the apple varieties has been combined. In addition to the data for individual varieties, a single report for the complete apple dataset including Fuji, Golden Delicious, and Granny Smith can be generated by selecting ‘Apple – Malus domestica’ as the crop type and ‘Apple – All’ as the tissue type.
- Compositional data for potato was updated to correctly display the number of samples for several analytes with values below the limit of quantification. This includes a total of 5,615 values. In addition, 1,090 duplicated data points have been removed from the potato dataset.
- The updates resulted in a change in the minimum values for several free amino acids including alanine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, and valine; and amino acids including histidine, methionine, proline, and serine.
- Eighty data points each for the bioactives, chaconine and solanine were corrected due to errors in decimal point placement. The updated range for chaconine is 1.73 to 21.50 mg/100g FW with value for 70 samples below LOQ, and for solanine is 1.51 to 17.40 mg/100g FW with value for 244 samples below LOQ.
- The minimum value for fructose changed from 1.00 to 1.37 mg/100g FW and for maltose from 1.20 to 1.21 mg/100g FW.
- The minimum value for copper changed from 0.04 to 0.05 mg/100g FW.
- The minimum value for crude fat changed from 0.08 to 0.1 % FW.
- A new FAQ on combined data sets was added to the list of Frequently Asked Questions
Version 10.0 - Released May 2024
- Compositional data for one new tree crop (eucalyptus) has been added to the new iteration, making data available for a total of 17 crops in the database.
- Compositional data for eucalyptus contains 3,779 from the tissue types ‘Floral bud’, ‘Leaf 12mo’ and ‘Leaf 24mo’ combined across 18 analytes.
- Additional conventional canola (Brassica napus - 2,080 data points), field corn (75,070 data points), cotton (8,532), and soybean (53,938 data points) composition data were added. The soybean dataset added in this iteration includes a dataset (22,464 data points across 64 analytes) from South Korea.
- Tools for data providers
- A tab for new data providers has been added to the data providers page using which potential data providers can contact the CCDB Administrator directly.
- New and existing data providers can access templates for CCDB data file and new code request form from the My Data tab after logging into the database. Note that these templates are accessible to you only if you have a data provider account with the CCDB.